Relationships and Friendships- Modern Women Needs:Fashion

Tuesday 17 January 2017

The Lazy Girl’s Guide To A Super Fit 2017!

When the clock strikes 12 on New Year’s eve, there are certain promises we make to ourselves. We get to start the year with a clean slate! Getting fit is one resolution that no one can deny making (every single year without fail). However, it lasts until we see that yummy piece of chocolate cake. Are we right or are we right? It’s not very easy to maintain a fitness regime especially when you find staring at a wall more interesting than running on a treadmill. So we, along with Snapdeal, decided to help you out! If you have made a resolution to get fit this year then this guide is just what you need! 

1. Realistic goals, please?

We often discourage ourselves by setting scary goals. It is important to keep yourself motivated by setting targets that you can actually achieve. Instead of aiming to lose 10 pounds by the end of the month, aim to complete 10 pull-ups with ease. Be easy on yourself and you will eventually get there! 
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2. Get yourself a fun workout buddy!

If you, like many of us, find your workouts a tad bit boring then add a fun buddy to that equation. Other than feeling competitive (in a good way, of course!) it will also reduce the boredom of a mundane gym routine. 

3. Retail therapy helps

We all love to shop, don’t we? Use those skills to motivate yourself to stay fit. Pick up some cute workout outfits that you can flaunt at the gym. These cute frilly track pants or this sexy sports bra from Snapdeal will motivate you to take a step forward. Well, let’s just say, when Carrie Bradshaw said ‘shopping is her cardio’, we took her VERY seriously! 
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4. When you hate the gym…

...You can create a gym zone at home! Who hasn’t paid for a super expensive yearly membership and never used it? We know we’re guilty of doing that! It's not necessary to go to the gym to lose weight. With the amount of helpful YouTube workout videos available, all you need is a reliable yoga mat and some Beyonce blasting on your speakers! 

5. Always keep a bottle of water close by

Water is responsible for keeping your body healthy and happy! It not only helps you stay hydrated during a power-packed workout session, but also increases your metabolism. Expert tip? Keep abottle of water handy at all times so that it encourages you to have the 8 glasses a day - just like the doctor ordered!   
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6. Just take the stairs

If you have a desk job, make sure you move every 30 minutes and take a small walk around the office. If you’re too lazy to make any major changes to your lifestyle then change a few of your daily habits! Take the stairs instead of the elevator or walk a few blocks back home instead of taking a rickshaw. These little things can keep your body active! 

7. Yes, accessorizing can help!

Other than all the cute accessories you can pick up from Snapdeal, you can also pick up a smart wristband to nudge you to make healthier decisions! Imagine how proud you’d feel when you find that you’ve walked over 10k steps and burned 500 calories, all in one day! 
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8. How to make a 15 minute workout count!

‘The longer you spend in the gym, the more weight you lose’, is a myth we all need to stop believing ASAP! A short intense workout is equal to a long slow workout. If you’re the kind of girl who likes to spend less time in the gym then introduce yourself to HIIT(High Intensity Interval Training). It’s a fitness trend we’re currently in love with! 

9. Reward yourself with pretty shoes

...Or that bodycon dress you’ve been eyeing since forever! When you achieve a particular target, instead of scarfing down a pizza, buy yourself an outfit you wouldn’t have fit into earlier. This will get you prepped and ready to achieve your next target! 
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10. Some honey, honey!

Well, you are reading the ultimate lazy girl’s guide to quick and effective weight loss. We all have heard our nanis tell us about the wonders of shehed, haven’t we? A teaspoon of honey with a drop of lemon will not only give you glowing skin but will also help increase your metabolism. It’s best to have this combination first thing in the morning for awesome results! 

11. Do you what you love - sleep!

All the fitness regimens will go down the drain if you don’t get enough rest. Lack of sleep sends your mind signals that induce hunger. Every human body needs at least 8 hours of sleep and anything less can mess up your system. Good news for all the lazy ones out there, right? 
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