Relationships and Friendships- Modern Women Needs:Fashion

Friday 27 January 2017

7 Guys Share… What They Don’t *Understand* About Girls & Sex!

We know that most men think that it’s impossible to understand women, right?! We don’t know how true that is, but do you sometimes wonder if there are some things men do not understand about us when it comes to sex? We found some confessions on Whisper from men who answered the question, and you must read on to find out what they had to say... 

1. No, no, sex is not a taboo. She must be shy...

1 things men do not understand

2. Well, things need to be spiced up a bit after a few years… It’s not that they don’t want it!

2 things men do not understand

3. Really? That’s something we don’t get to hear from men often!

3 things men do not understand

4. Well, that’s just how it is with some women, my friend! And, honestly, with many men too.

4 things men do not understand

5. But there’s nothing wrong with that! Cuddling and sex - that’s a good combo!

5 things men do not understand

6. Umm… Maybe because you’re doing it right?! #JustSaying

6 things men do not understand

7. No, most of them don’t do that! They want it as much as guys do!

7 things men do not understand

We found these confessions here on Whisper. 

Girls, is there anything you don’t get about men… during sex? 


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