Relationships and Friendships- Modern Women Needs:Fashion

Saturday 4 February 2017

10 AWESOME Tips To Save Your Coloured Hair From Damage!

You’ve finally coloured your hair according to the hottest trend and you feel like a diva. You put in a lot of thought about what kind of shade you want, did extensive research about it and pre-planned everything else about your hair colour. But ever wondered what happens to your hair afteryou’re done dyeing? You obviously can’t go ahead with the same haircare routine you had before colouring your hair. Coloured hair is more prone to damage and you got to take extra care, ladies. Follow these tips to fight these effects of damage for soft, smooth locks and flaunt that colour like a boss! 

1. Use quality products

1 coloured hair

When you decide to colour your hair, make sure you have pre-planned everything - the kind of shade you want, the quality of the colour and be sure to do a patch test. Never, ever think that it doesn’t matter what kind of product you use because it does! Make sure opt for good quality hair colour and ammonia so that it doesn’t ruin the quality of your hair. 

2. Regular trims

Now that you’ve coloured your hair and we are sure it looks absolutely gorgeous, you need to be extra particular about those regular trims to keep your looking healthy. Yes, we know, you’ll have to sacrifice a bit of your coloured mane but it is something you have to do for healthy hair. Girls, make sure to book those trims every couple months to avoid split ends, because, believe us, coloured hair and split ends do not look or sound pleasant at all. 

3. Opt for a mild shampoo

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You need gentle products once you colour your hair as it is already chemically processed. It will not only prevent your hair from turning brittle and dull but also save the colour and make it last a bit longer. It’s important to invest in colour protecting shampoos and conditioners to make the most of your expensive colour job. Limit shampooing your hair to twice a week so that the colour doesn’t fade away quickly. 

4. Wash your hair with cold water

Well, as cold as you can handle! Showering in hot water opens up your hair cuticles because of which the hair colour fades at a faster rate. Hot water also strips off natural oils from your hair which are essential to provide moisture and prevent scalp flakiness. Hot water leads to an increase in dandruff and you may itch your scalp raw because of that. 

5. Condition every time

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Never ever skip conditioning, girls. You can also opt for a leave-in conditioner for extra moisture and smooth hair all day long. Deep conditioning once a week with the help of olive oil or coconut oil boosts strength and volume which is something your chemically treated hair definitely needs. 

6. Don’t re-dye very often

Going for touch ups or re-dyeing your hair too often can completely ruin your hair. No matter how good the quality of a particular hair colour is, these products are made of chemicals that can damage your hair and make it dull and dry. Try to prolong the gap between touch-ups as much as you can. 

7. DIY remedies are good for your hair

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Home remedies are always great for your hair, coloured or not. But if you have coloured hair or have ever coloured it before, then your hair does need some extra TLC ever so often. You can make a hair mask by mixing an egg with 1 tsp honey and 1 tsp apple cider vinegar. Apply this mask for at least half an hour and wash it off with cold water. It’ll help provide extra hydration and nourishment and prevent any further damage to your hair. Remember damaged hair can become rough and brittle, a healthy mask like this will keep your locks soft and happy. Make sure you apply this mask once a week to see results. 

8. Avoid blow drying

No surprise there, heat causes damage. Let your tresses dry naturally as the heat from the dryer not only removes water from the surface but also removes moisture that is bound to your hair. 

9. Go for professional hair treatments

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You can definitely take out some time and pamper your hair with some professional miracle treatments. Get a nice massage to boost circulation and go for hair spas and protein treatments in your salon every few weeks to maintain healthy locks after colouring. 

10. Hands off!

You use your hands for everything you do and then you touch your hair with the same hands. This is the biggest mistake you can make if you want your hair to be healthy and lustrous. The dirt from your face and all the other places get transferred to your hair every time you touch it, causing frizz. Make a conscious effort to keep your hands off as much as possible. 


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