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Friday 10 February 2017

14 Valentine’s Day Ideas For All You Lovely Single Ladies!

Valentine’s day is not far away, and honestly, it’s not the best time of the year for Team Single. Our Facebook and Instagram feeds are flooded with mushy quotes and photos of our friends with their SOs, our colleagues have flowers and chocolates being delivered at their tables while we just sit there cursing cupid for not hitting us with his arrow. But does it really matter so much? We are awesome and we don’t need a Valentine to be happy on this random holiday of the year! Who says we need to hide away and sulk alone in our rooms on V-day? Not when we can have just as much fun as all those couples!! So, for all the lovely ladies, here are some fun Valentine’s Day ideas for single girls. Make 14th February super fun! 

1. Hit the club with your girl gang

Grab all your single girlfriends and hit the club to dance the night away! A few drinks, some good music and the company of your FAVE girls is all you need for a fun night anyway. 

2. Or throw a party

Remember Jessica Biel’s ‘I Hate Valentine’s Day’ party in the movie Valentine’s Day? Take some inspiration and call your friends from Club Single to party at your place if you don’t feel like stepping out! (Bonus: Black heart-shaped balloons will really set the mood!) 

3. Pamper yourself with a spa day

Since Valentine's Day is all about love, spend the day showing some love to yourself. Book an appointment - go to the spa, get a facial, massage, pedicure… Anything you want! This will not only make you feel special but you’ll feel relaxed too! 
3 valentines day ideas for single girls

4. Go watch a movie

Head to the movies with your girls. Make sure it’s not a sappy or mushy movie and you’re totally sorted! 

5. Or a movie night at home

You don’t need an SO to Netflix and chill. A movie night in with your girl gang or even all by yourself is never a bad idea. Don’t forget a large bowl of popcorn!    

6. Cook and treat yourself

Who needs a bae when you’ve got food? Honestly ladies, cooking is therapy! Cook what you love cooking and treat your family and yourself to it. Don’t shy away from trying an absolutely new recipe too! 
6 valentines day ideas for single girls

7. Date night with bestie

Ask your single bestie out for a dinner date! What’s better than spending Valentine’s Day with someone who’s going to be by your side no matter what?! 

8. Some retail therapy

Be your own Valentine and buy yourself a gift (or gifts). Indulge in some retail therapy - go out shopping or splurge online! 

9. Sleepover with a game night

A pyjama party with your girls and some wine is always a fab idea, but you can make it even more fun by playing a ‘Secret Valentine’ game. Just like ‘Secret Santa’, you and your girls can exchange gifts and be each other’s Valentine! 
9 valentines day ideas for single girls

10. Spend time with your family

Spend quality time with your family! After all, Valentine’s Day is all about spending time with your loved ones! Take them out for a fun picnic or go out for dinner or just watch a movie together! 

11. Sign up for a new hobby

Join a singing class, take guitar lessons or just go learn cooking… Try an exciting new hobby that you can also enjoy for the rest of the year. Trying something new is always good! 

12. Do Something you’ve not done before

Take up a challenge and try something you’ve always wanted to, but never got the chance! It could be something as big as skydiving or as simple as taking up a book challenge! 
12 valentines day ideas for single girls

13. Ask your crush out

Yes, you read that right! If you’re single on Valentine’s Day, but ready to mingle… Do something brave and bold! Ask him out for coffee or casually mention going out for a walk. For all you know, this Valentine’s Day could be your lucky day! 

14. Fall in love with yourself

This really is the best thing to do. Not just on Valentine’s Day...but every day of the year. Appreciate yourself, give yourself more credit because you’re awesome! Fall in love with your singlehood. Love yourself because that’s what you should be able to do before you love someone else! 

So, girls, these are some fun things you can do to avoid the boredom we single people face on Valentine’s Day! 


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